Spoiler alert. The answer is yes.
Deciding what kind of app to build is a common struggle...
I was certainly one of the millions of people that caught the blogging bug when it reached critical mass around the mid 2000's.
Things I've been up to...
The book is called Code, but it isn't so much about Programming.
In the case of Software Engineering, I don't think you can average your way into this career.
Are they true programming languages. Does it matter? When does it matter?
Stop Collecting People like Baseball Cards
When people get into the debate of website vs web app, in the context of how overkill it is to use a big JS framework for "just making static sites", I think they are confusing a web Page with a web Site.
You let people call you that.
Anyone can learn to code, they say. Fake it, till you make it, is the ethos. Learn in public. Hashtag 100 days of coding.
Some status updates...
Like some kind of animal keyboard wizard...
When people's experience and skill level are way above yours, many of the things you still don't understand are so obvious to them
Tommy Wiseau and Mr. Brainwash start a project together.