Jay Cruz

Bootcamp Week 7

So far the Bootcamp has been awesome. I've been knocking my project assignments out of the park. It's been going smoothly. I'm keeping up with the pace. We're currently doing Group Projects. But this is where things have started getting a bit awkward for me. The instructor and TA's gave us some guidance of course. There was a mini lecture about the Agile Methodology, Kanban, using Github Projects and all that team workflow stuff. We are in groups of three or four. I'm in a group of four.

Here's the thing, I'm pretty bad in social group situations. Particularly large groups and by large groups I mean more than me and another person. I have an introverted personality and in groups I always follow and never try to lead because that feels impolite to me. I also have a hard time being comfortable with following scattered conversations in like say group party stuff. In work environments I do a little better, but that's because we have management guiding us and I can focus on doing something.

Our group is not using Agile or Kanban at all. We're not even trying. The idea for the app we're building is good but our execution on how to build it has been half assed. One of the team members is focused on animating buttons. Another is looking for an API to use. I haven't really done anything other than starting a repo, inviting the collaborators, and adding rules to branches to review before merging. It's been 3 days of just me sitting down in front my laptop fiddling around with nothing in particular, listening to these kids talk about gaming. Nothing against gaming. I just wanna get stuff done.

Anywho, just wanted to get this out there.