Jay Cruz

Bootcamp Week 9

On day 25 we started with Node.js There was a brief lecture with slides on how Node JS works. We covered how its module system works by importing files with the require function and how to export modules. We played with the fs module to read and write files. We started using NPM as well and got some basic commands like npm init and npm install under our belts.

Day 26 we covered ES6 and beyond. We started with arrow => functions, which I love, but now I have deeper understanding on how they work, and why sometimes you don't want to use them. I'm not afraid of this anymore. We're finally declaring variables with let and const. We also got some practice with the newer array methods like map, filter, and reduce. With did some (...resting) and some [...spreading]. Finally we covered my favorite thing in modern JS and that is Template Literals. Concatenating strings is not a fun activity for me.

Finally on Day 27 we went more in depth with asynchronous code and the many ways you can clean up your code by avoiding callback hell We used the Axios package to make API calls. I like how async / await makes the code cleaner. I'm still confused however about creating Promises.

Overall good week. Jam-packed week with lots of info, but a lot of it is stuff I'm familiar with. Our assignment for the week is to create a Node.js command line application that uses input provided by the user to generate a README file.