Jay Cruz

Pixel Perfect

I completed yet another "second round" of job application tests. It was for a Front End Developer role. It was more of a Front of the Front End role. You know, the 2000's Front End Web Developer. Not today's Front End React Engineer Web Developer.

The tests weren't anything like the kind of tests you would expect. They were a series of mostly behavioral questions. Some of them were technical, like "what is your knowledge of SEO?". But the most technical thing they asked was to take a PSD and convert it into a pixel perfect HTML! This threw me off hard.

I'm sure that old school Front of Front End Devs that read Smashing Magazine and CSS Tricks can take a Designer's PSD file and spit out a pixel perfect landing page, with a Carousel, in just a couple of minutes, but the PSD I was given had a non-trivial layout, with guides, layers, and a Carousel. This was something that could've taken me a couple of hours. Days even.

I still wanted to complete the application, but it was required for me to upload a file in order to submit the application. I ended up writing an HTML file with two p tags that said, "This should be paid work. This is not a couple of minutes/under one hour job".

I expected that it was going to be one those Web Designer/Developer roles. In the job requirements they list jQuery and WordPress. But a PSD file?!