Jay Cruz

So You Graduated from A Bootcamp

I'm finally done with the Bootcamp. My last day was on June 17, 2020. I gave myself some time before writing anything here because I wasn't clear on how I felt in the end. I'm still not entirely clear if I'm honest. I'm trying to figure it out as I write this. It just felt so underwhelming. The last group project wasn't something I was entirely digging. I'm happy and proud that I finished the program, but I wasn't in the spirit of celebrating at the moment.

I don't regret doing the Bootcamp either. There's no doubt in my mind that it was the right thing for me. It was specially beneficial during the pandemic to have something to focus on, being that I got furloughed from my job. I learned a ton. But I still wouldn't recommend a Bootcamp to someone who is just 'interested in learning to code to get a high paying job'. Some day I hope on writing my own comprehensive "Should You Do a Coding Bootcamp?" post.

So now what? Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out. One thing I'm battling with right now is with being a "junior", a term I'm starting to despise and trying to get away from as soon as possible. I'm also accepting the fact that there are "seniors" in the industry who simply are going to have a low opinion of Bootcamp Grads. (Picture me air quoting the words "junior" and "senior".)

The main issue to battle through is with showing people that yes, there's still a shit ton of things I don't know, but I know way more than what you think I don't know.