Jay Cruz

The Git and Github Bootcamp

Git Fetch vs Git Pull

Colt Steele is an amazing Instructor and his courses on Udemy are hands down one of the best courses you can get on the platform, specially if you're starting to learn Web Development. His Web Developer Bootcamp is legendary.

I recently got his Git & Github Bootcamp course. This course is shorter than his typical courses but it's still so darn good.

I've been using Git and Github for years and I always felt that I was decent at it. But after going through the course I realized how little I actually knew about Git and Github. All the other topics that I felt fuzzy about, like branches and merging, we're cleared up. Other "advanced" topics like Rebasing, which is something that I knew about, but never really explored, have blown my mind.

He does such a great job at explaining things and his slides are just excellent. I highly recommend it if you want to get your git fundamentals straightened out and dig a bit deeper with Git and Github.

*Btdubs. You can always wait until Udemy has a sale on all it's courses. They are typicaly $10 to $15 when put on sale.